Thanks for playing VicKombat 4.0! This "Read Me" file will tell you how to play VicKombat. We'll also include notes about how to get the most speed and most fluid movement out of the game.
Quick Start:
To punch, click in the Punch Zone.
To kick, click in the Kick Zone.
To block, hold down the mouse in the Block Zone.
The cursor will change to a crosshair when you are above a zone.
The cursor will change to a yin yang when you are blocking.
Make sure that there are no applications running in the background when playing VicKombat. In order to achieve maximum frame rates and few glitches, VicKombat hogs your processor. This is rude to other applications, so it’s best to run VicKombat by itself.
VicKombat does not do well with screen savers. They won’t crash the game or anything, but some of the windows might not re-draw themselves. This is due to the fact that VicKombat ignores UpdateEvents generated by the Finder. This is not a bug, but rather an intentional design tactic to increase game performance.
Most parents. Not any software that I know of though.
System Requirements
Here’s the story on memory: You may have noticed that the “Preferred Size” for VicKombat is set to 10mb. This is mainly for PowerMac users, whose machines gulp RAM like water. Non-PoweraMac users should be able to bring this number down to around 4mb. (4,000k).
Note to ‘Wimpy Mac’ users: It is possible to get VicKombat to run on 4mb Macs. Startup with your extensions off, (by holding down the shift key during start up). If you can get at least 2,600k free RAM VicKombat will run in its ‘Limited RAM’ mode.
VicKombat was written with the ‘wimpy Mac’ users in mind. VK should run well on just about any color mac. (Tweaking the game speed in the Speed... menu may be necessary).
How to Play
For aesthetic reasons, the Menu Bar is hidden during game play. To reveal it, move the mouse over the area where the Menu Bar should be. If the title sequence is running you may have to wait a second for it to show up.
Choose New Game under the File menu to start a game.
The interface for VicKombat is entirely mouse-driven and very straight forward. You are the left player. The computer is the right player.
Click on his head to hit him.
Click on his stomach to kick him.
Click and hold on your body to block.
Here’s The Trick:
Evan (the computer player) is a little bigger and stronger than you are. Clicking on his head as fast as you can won’t kill him. You have to fight smart. Like in a real fight, you balance your defense with your offense. This technique is specifically important in the higher rounds, as Evan gets more and more pissed of at you.
Menu Items:
Most menu items are self-explanatory, but here are some notes on some of the more interesting menu items.
Game Editor... The game editor allows for editing each players stats and abilities. This option is only available in the registered version.
Speed... The Speed menu allows for tweaking the playing speed of VicKombat. The default speed is Normal and should work on most computers. The Fast and Slow speeds are a fraction faster and slower than Normal. The Slow-Mo speed is only cool for watching the fatalities, and the Screaming option is only good for impressing your friends with how fast your mac can render pictures.
Included with the game is a music file named: VK Intro Music. DO NOT MOVE THIS FILE. It will only work if it’s in the same folder as VicKombat. DO NOT CHANGE THE NAME OF THIS FILE, VicKombat won’t be able to find it.
The file is of type ‘MOD’ and can be replaced with other MOD files. (MOD files are available on America Online in the Music and Sound Forums).
Interesting Note: You can also name a MOD file “VK Play Music” and drop it in the VicKombat folder. VicKombat will play this file during the fighting part of the game. (I found that this got really annoying, so try at your own risk).
Please note that this copy of VicKombat 4.0 is Shareware. You can order the patch to convert this to the registered version by sending a $10 check to:
Jim&i Productions
2401 Pickwick Lane
Austin, TX 78746
The registered version gives you access to the game editor and the fatalities. I don’t consider the Shareware version a ‘crippled’ version of the game, but you haven’t played VicKombat until you’ve played it with the fatalities. My favorite one is when you lose. Evan pulls up his shirt, revealing a 9mm handgun. He pulls it out and aims it about two inches from Vic’s face. Then he whispers:
“Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?”
And shoots Vic point blank in the face.
( The voice sample is from Batman and the gun shot is from T2 )
The fatalities are extremely graphic. Do NOT register the game if you are sensitive to such matters.
See the Register... option in the game's Apple menu for more details.
How to Contact Infinity Software:
America Online: Screen Name: jim&i for business related mail
Screen Name: Newjack19 for all other purposes.
Snail Mail: You can write us at:
Jim&i Productions
2401 Pickwick Lane
Austin, TX 78746
Version History
1.0: Never released. Slow prototype of Vic doing one punch.
2.0: Never released.
3.0: Released on America Online only. Purpose was to Beta test VK’s graphic engine.
4.0: Basically decided that everything so far really sucked. Re- wrote everything from ground up. Developed “Muy Rapido” engine to achieve flicker-free, lightning fast rendering. A complete description of how the “Muy Rapido” engine works is included in the package when you register.
The Shareware version of VicKombat may be distributed freely, as long as it’s complete and unmodified. It may be uploaded on Internet sites, BBS’s, and online services.
“Help, I can’t win.”
Getting good at moving the mouse fast is a useful skill in VK.
A Tip: Turn your mouse on ‘Very Fast’ in the Mouse control pannel.
Fight smart. Sneak in hits. You are learning Daniel Son...
Last Resort: Play on ‘Don’t Hurt Me’ or register and use the Game Editor.
“The music sounds horrible”
The music for VK is a MOD file. In case you don’t know what that is, a MOD file works like a sequencer. There are only about 7 small sound samples that make up the music. Included in the file is a playlist that instructs VK on how to play the samples. For some reason, this technique does not work on all computers. The problem is likely related to the Sound Manager in your Control Pannel. If it’s not version 3.0 or later, that’s the problem). I think you can get the latest Sound Manager from Apple.
“How do I do the Fatalities?”
You hold the mouse down on Evan’s head, press the Command key, and send me $10. Try it. I promise it works.
“Sometimes the frames move really slow”
I call this problem “system farts”. This mostly occurs when other programs are running in the background.
“Help! I only have 4mb of RAM.”
It is possible to get VicKombat to run on 4mb Macs. Startup with your extensions off, (by holding down the shift key during start up). If you can get at least 2,600k free RAM VicKombat will run in its ‘Limited RAM’ mode.